Outshining the Suns - by Alyssa Bauerle

    Tuesday, May 2, 2023, the Richlands Bombers faced the Southridge Suns in a Varsity Baseball game. The Bomber boys are currently ranked fourth in the GSL. They recently played Kamikan and lost both of their games to them. However, just before that match, the Suns played against the Bombers and lost, resulting in a Bomber in. The two teams face off for the second time this sea on. This calls for an exciting ma ch. Both teams have played each other before. They both know their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. 

    It’s the top of the fifth inning; Richland Highs number seven, Rayce Reeves, gets to first base and heads to second after a stand-up double run batted in by number 20, Jace Vopa Ensky. Next up was the Bom er 17. He hit a home run. This knocked in both players on the field. The score gets tied now, three to three. Heading into the bottom of the inning, Richland had Avery Williamson pi ching. The first point of the inning came from Southridges Tyler Gaskins; he hit a home run. Not much later, the Suns get another homerun from Austin Guier. 

    Heading into the sixth inning, the score is seven to three. The Bombers could have made more progress while batting. However, the bottom of the sixth inning gets in erecting. Drew Johnson pitches for Rich and the team. The ball hits South Edge 13. This earned them a walk to first base. While on first base, 13 tries to steal the ground but is unsuccessful. Number 19 for Southridge got out next. They came back, and player three scored a point. The bomber quickly shut that down; even though all the bases were complete, the Suns did not score another point. 

    The Bombers were up to bat. Number nine and 20 both got to walk t  first base. 20 scored a point for the bombers. This left number 14, Charlie Johns, on first base and number 10, Chris Daniels, o  third base. Chris successfully gets to home base, scoring another point for the R Richland boys. Not too shortly, number 19 scores an issue for the Bombers. This brings the score to a tie seven to seven. Southridge got their turn to bat next. They tried to score, but they were unsuccessful. Number 23, Broden Palmer, was about to hit, then got too not to shoot. The Bombers also had number 24, Conner Lakey, pitching, making it hard for the Suns to the suns to hit the ball. 

    It's the second to last inning. The bombers were up to bat first and tried to prove some points. This was a rough inning. No topics were scored, and no bas were touched.  The Southridge boys did not do much better when they were up to bat. The team did not score any points or make it to any bases.

    In the final inning, Bombe s are back to bat. Number 17 was the very first batter, and he made it all the way o the second base. Next up was number 10; he got to first and sent 17 to third. This is when a top hitter, number 16, Charlie Johns, she's up to the plate. 17 got sent into the home ba e scoring a point. The next batter for Richland High School was number 23, Troy Molna; he ended u  bunting the ball. This move allowed for numbers 0 and 16 to score. Number 16 got to bat again; he bunted the ball, taking it to second base. Last to bat was number 7, Rayce Reeves, and h could walk. It's now the bo-tom of the inning. Southridge number 19, Bill  Hong gets a walk. Number 3, Daryen Hawkin, made it to first as well. Unfortunately, the Suns did not score any points. This leaves the final score as 12 to 7. Giving the Richland Bombers the win.