Extra, Extra Read all About It - By Garrett Mills

The Richland Bombers and the Kennewick Lions were sure to be another great matchup between these two teams. The last game ended 4-2 in favor of the Lions. The Bombers had the lead for most of the game, but Kennewick pulled out victorious in the end. This matchup between the MCC’s best was sure to be a dogfight until the end. 

In the first inning, the Bombers were up to hit. Kennewick’s number 16 Ambrose Driver made light work of the Bombers' first three hitters. On the opposing side pitching for the Bombers was the number 21, Alec Ammerman. He got one quick out of the power-hitting Lions. A few pitches later, Ammerman found himself in trouble with runners at the corners. Kennewick, number seven, Conner Salsbury, hit a hard ground ball to Jase Vopalensky at short. Instead of going home with the ball, he goes to first to get the second out of the inning. The Lions struck first, going up one on the Bombers. 

Photo courtesy of Metcalf Media (@metcalfmedia_).

Richland was looking for their first hit, and Chris Daniels provided just that with a single up the middle. Next up to the dish was Charlie Johns, who copied Daniels with another single up the middle. Vopalensky tries to do the same thing but hits it a little left and grounds out into a fielder's choice. The Bombers look like they will strike back with runners on first and second. With a short fly ball to center, the Richland runners are looking to tag, and that is what they did. Johns makes it home, and Jase tries to get to third but gets thrown out. The run does not count. With two outs, Kennewicks Braxden Salazar starts off with a single to right. Dane McClure doubles off the wall and scores Salazar, going up 2-0. A couple pitches later, Dane Chavez hit a deep fly ball to center. It looked like it was going out, but it was caught by Rayce Reeves in the center. 

In the top of the third, the Reeves drew a walk with two outs. Richland likes to play small ball, and that is what they did. John Corbin laid a bunt down the third baseline. The third baseman rushes the throw to first, Corbin is safe, and Reeves makes it to third. With another groundout, the Bombers' hopes of putting a two-out rally together were crushed. In the bottom half, Trey Bush comes in to pitch for the Bombers. He got one quick out, then gave up a double into the right-center gap. Kooper Jones of Richland did not like that, so he picked off the runner at second on the next pitch. 

In the top of the fourth, the Bombers couldn’t get the ball rolling in the right direction. In the other dugout, Kennewick was looking to score again. With a walk and a great sac bunt down the third base line, the Lions had another runner in scoring position. Coach Richardson intentionally walks Simon Howard. With an infield single and Vopalensky trying to go to second, another run crossed home. A fly ball goes into foul territory, and Johns makes a great catch over the fence and gets the Bombers out of the inning.

Photo courtesy of Metcalf Media (@metcalfmedia_).

With two outs in the top of the fifth, it looked like it would be another scoreless inning for Richland. Corbin had other plans. With a 2-2 count and runners on first and second, Corbin smacks a ball into the right center. Both runners would score, and Corbin would get a triple out of it. The Bomber dugout is yelling. You probably could hear them all the way in Richland. Corbin said, “It felt great to help out my team.” In the bottom half for the Lions, they threatened to score again, but Corbin coming into catch for Kooper Jones, throws the runner out at second. 

With this game coming to a close, the Bombers were down one run with only two times to bat left. They needed to put some balls in play. Daniels did just that. He started the hitting party with a double to the fence on the fly. Everyone in the area thought the ball was out, but somehow it stayed in the park. With a ground ball to the right side by Johns, Daniels moves to third. Vopalensky hits a comebacker to the pitcher, and Daniels is in a pickle. Somehow Daniels wiggles his way out of it and safely makes it back to third. Troy Molona gets hit by the next pitch. The bases are juiced for Simons, and he hits a deep fly ball into center, scoring Daniels. The next batter for Richland made the third out, and our score is all tied up at three. Conner Lakey comes in for the Bombers in the bottom of the sixth inning. Lakey did what he was supposed to do: shutting out the Lions. I asked him after the game what that meant to him, and he said, “I appreciate my coaches for trusting me to come in that type of situation.” Lakey shut out the Lions for two innings. Both teams made some noise on the base path in the seventh inning, but neither managed to score. 

Photo courtesy of Metcalf Media (@metcalfmedia_).

With a game tied at three, we were headed to extra innings. Vopalensky started the Bombers off with a double down the left-field line. Molona moves him over to third base with a great bunt. By saying this, it feels like deja vu, but Simons hits another sac fly into the center, scoring Vopalensky this time. In extras, the Bombers strike first, going up 4-3. The Lions are now up to bat. Coach Richardson decides to take out Lakey and put in Daniels to pitch. Trevor Ridley hits a double and makes it to third on a wild pitch. On an infield single, Ridley scores. We are all tied up at four. Alex Mendoza intentionally walks, and there are runners at first and second. A ground ball single by Kyan Bowe scored the runner from second. The Lions erupt out of the dugout as that ball got through the infield. The final score was Richland four and Kennewick five.



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